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Our First iCarly Web Show

The crazy hat party made us a little, well, CRAZY!! We\'re having WAY too much fun!
The crazy hat party made us a little, well, CRAZY!! We\'re having WAY too much fun!
All of us right after our crazy hat party!!! Where\'s the robot\'s hat
All of us right after our crazy hat party!!! Where\'s the robot\'s hat
If a REAL cowboy wore this sparkly blue hat, the other cowboys would beat him up!!!
If a REAL cowboy wore this sparkly blue hat, the other cowboys would beat him up!!!
Yep, thats MILK squirting out of Simons eye!!! Make ya THIRSTY
Yep, thats MILK squirting out of Simons eye!!! Make ya THIRSTY
That CANT be comfortable!!! Dont try this at home, people!!!
That CANT be comfortable!!! Dont try this at home, people!!!
Taryn plays the trumpet while hopping on a pogo stick!!! JUMP AND BLOW!
Taryn plays the trumpet while hopping on a pogo stick!!! JUMP AND BLOW!
spencer drank 150 bottles of soda in one day, just to make this! Can you say TUMMY ACHE
spencer drank 150 bottles of soda in one day, just to make this! Can you say TUMMY ACHE
Myron wasn\'t very funny in his audition, but we put his pic up anyway.
Myron wasn\'t very funny in his audition, but we put his pic up anyway.
When Wesley isn\'t beat-boxing, he likes to cross his arms over his chest and look very serious!
When Wesley isn\'t beat-boxing, he likes to cross his arms over his chest and look very serious!
is French acting isn\'t good, but he has a mustache on a stick!
is French acting isn\'t good, but he has a mustache on a stick!

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